Thursday Thoughtsparks
Always take some actions for yourself
Some people try to be ‘pure’ business managers. They give out orders right, left and Chelsea, but they never end up with any actions themselves.
Some people try to be ‘pure’ business managers. They give out orders right, left and Chelsea, but they never end up with any actions themselves.
So in our world of B2B marketing, how many letters do you get? How often do suppliers approach you through the mail? How often do
Interesting one from the ASA a couple of years ago about the advertising claims made by a major international bank. The issue was around two
Why did Carlsberg say ‘probably’ (the greatest lager in the world)? Why did Nike say “Just do it”? – something that is so vague as to be unchallengeable, yet so aspirational as to be infinitely interpretable.
One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.